Pois Muitos usuários que usam a Internet 3.5G da Movitel tem vindo reclamando pela ma qualidade da navegaçao... Lembrado que a Movitel se considera sendo uma das melhores redes quando se trata de internet em Moçambique, pois para outros usuarios o que tinha que ser Internet 3.5G virou 3.5K de tanto ser lento.
For many users who use the Internet 3.5G Movitel has been complaining about thepoor quality of navigation ... Remembered that Movitel is considered as one of the bestnetworks when it comes to internet in Mozambique, as for other users what had to beInternet 3.5G turned 3.5K to either be slow.
For many users who use the Internet 3.5G Movitel has been complaining about thepoor quality of navigation ... Remembered that Movitel is considered as one of the bestnetworks when it comes to internet in Mozambique, as for other users what had to beInternet 3.5G turned 3.5K to either be slow.
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